A downloadable game for Android


Time to play with watermelons !
Up for 2 to 4 players. Who gonna eat the most?

A game made for the melon game jam.

Made with love by Baptiste Billet
3D work by Augustin Grassien

Bugs (working on it)

Bugs of the V0.1 aka "A lot less seeds in this watermelon"

- Very minor bug : sometimes some UI elements behaves oddly, but you know maybe, they are not feeling good about themself, it's full new for them to be a UI element in a game, especially with watermelon.
- Sometimes you just take a deep breath and it's ok.

Bugs of the Jam edition:

- Sometimes watermelons appear when they must'nt.
- Sometimes a unique watermelon don't want to desappear when tapped.
- Sometimes you can't exit the score menu.
- Sometimes, life sucks.

No Watermelons were harmed during this game.


MelonTrip "A lot less seeds in this watermelon".apk 24 MB

Install instructions

You need a modern android 4.5 and + version.
You probably need to authorized non-store apps.